
What Does It Mean to "Grow in Grace?"

We are going to examine the statement that Peter made admonishing the church to grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Standing Strong in Unsettling Times

The Apostle Peter wrote I Peter letter in about 67AD. It was an unsettling time for Christians. Rome had burned in 64AD. Christians were blamed, persecuted and many martyred. Peter tells Christians how to conduct themselves during unsettling times. Good…

The Impossible

Peter did the impossible. He walked on water. Everybody knows it can't be done. God is now doing the impossible through Jesus Christ. What is the impossible? To change mere mortal men into literal spirit born children of God.

The Hope Within You

Speaker: Dave Mirigian 9/18/19 Peter tells the brethren in 1 Peter 3:15 to "always be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you." This message looks at (1) our…

The Transfiguration

This split-sermon is about what occurred during the transfiguration of Christ. This event had a profound effect on God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the disciples - Peter, James, and John. It is also about the deep meaning this event…

Peter and Jude Address the Heresy

A survey of First and Second Peter as Peter encourages Paul's churches and denounces the gnostic heresy that was troubling them.

Race, D.N.A. and Character

We learn of the example of the African-American musician, author and activist, Daryl Davis, who managed to befriend KKK members, and after developing a relationship with them, helped about 200 clan members to leave and denounce the group. We will…

Peter and the Eleven Stand Up

Peter changed 180 degrees. Your sphere of influence may be small but God can grow it.

Bible Study: Acts of the Apostles - Chapter 11:1-30

Continiuning our Study of the Book of Acts. Calling of the Gentiles

Fifty Meaningful Days

On the Sabbath before Pentecost, Philip Aust - pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses important actions and discussions by Christ during the "inter-Holy Day" period Christ's resurrection and the Feast of Pentecost.