
God Has A Plan - Lessons From the Story of Joseph

God has a Plan! In this split-sermon before the webcast audience of the Atlanta and Buford congregation, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in both churches, shows how God worked out his plan for Israel over hundreds of years. This culminated…

Context for the Passover

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, provides the historical context of the first Passover and the application for New Testament Christians as described in the gospels and by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11.

No Compromise

This sermon reviews the effects of compromising God's Law in one's life and its serious penalties by reading biblical examples. These stories are reminders to not be slack regarding God's Word.

Lessons of Pharaoh in Exodus

We can learn from Pharaoh as a character in the events of Exodus, his role as a type of Satan and the confrontation between God and evil. This sermon was given on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread.

Lessons From The Exodus

Ancient Israel's Exodus from Egypt is one of the most iconic and dramatic stories in the Bible. Through Moses, God delivered his people from over 400 years of bondage and slavery. The story of the Exodus also serves as a…

The Passover of Exodus 12: Our Journey

In the first message on Exodus 12, we looked at the physical journey made by Israel out of Egypt. Today we'll look at spiritual parallels from Exodus 12 and our journey out of sin and to the Kingdom of God!

Events From the Days of Unleavened Bread

A few weeks ago (April 6, 2019) we looked at the events that occurred in ancient Israel leading up to the first Passover in about 1446BC. We reviewed the original events and gleaned from them some lessons for us today…

Are You Your Own Pharaoh?

Egypt served initially a place of refuge for Israel. In time, pharaoh and the people in the land that saved them became their oppressors. When we choose not to acknowledge the truth and respond to it, we choose bondage to…

The Passover Foot Washing

The foot-washing service performed on the Passover exemplifies an attitude of humility. Let's study this subject today beginning with a definition of Godly humility. First, we will read John 13:1-17.

The Passover of Exodus 12: Israel's Journey

In this message, we'll review the Passover instituted in Exodus. We'll go through a detailed, hour-by-hour analysis of what was done - from the selecting of the lamb, to the painting of the doorposts, to the plundering of the Egyptians…