
The Red Sea and Going Forward

The story of the Red Sea in Exodus contains many lessons for each one of us and how we live our lives. God's Might is shown for an example that all may trust in Him. We must also remember to…

Choose For Yourself This Day

Before the Exodus, the Lord struck Egypt with a series of plagues—some that affected both Egyptians and Israelites and some that impacted just the Egyptians. After hundreds of years in Egypt, the Israelites faced a choice of whether to obey…

Walking Out of Egypt

Events and examples in the Exodus account represent our walk out of sin and what we are striving to achieve in our Christian walk today. For example, Egypt represents this present world, and God's miraculous deliverance represents our utter dependence…

Preparing for the Passover

In the time before Passover it is good to reflect on how God has worked with man always encouraging us to prepare for what is to copme. It is certainly critical that we prepare to take the Passover and to…

When the Enemy Pursues

Christ stood between Israel and the Egyptian army, and led His people through the Red Sea. He stood between His disciples and the enemy on the night of Passover, and through those next trying days. He is there for us…

Thinking Like Joseph


"But They Feared God" (What Greatness Is)

Consider the story of two women who became great because of their obedience to God.