
Sorrow in My Heart

We read in Psalm 13:2 "How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily?" Learn what the Bible says about the matter of sorrow and depression and what can be done about it.

About the Bible and Eating

Eating is a major part of life. There are over 700 references to eating in the Bible. Parallel principles apply between the physical and the spiritual realms. This includes what we consume and how we care for our bodies. The…

Fasting as a Faith In Action

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 12/7/19 Location: Orinda Why do we fast? There are physical benefits and some times we can fast looking for a specific answer. In this sermon, Tim Pebworth reviews biblical instruction on why we fast. Pls. Note: Addt’l…

Did God Set Us Up for Failure?

Do you ever feel like no matter what you try, you fail? That your best effort isn't good enough? Do you feel like God has set us up as some sort of a cruel cosmic joke, knowing we could never…

That Where I Am You May Be Also

God wants to dwell among us and within us. It is important to make God a part of every aspect of our home... our safe place. Jesus Christ has given us a new home. How is our spiritual house coming…

The Plan A For Thriving In Illness

Tim Pebworth 4/27/19 When we become sick or are faced with a physical handicap our Plan A is often to seek medical treatment, and if we believe in God to ask for health, but if it doesn't come we can…

God, Our Past, Present and Future Healer

Listen to this sermon to learn about how God is a past, present and future healer.

Preparing Mentally for the Rigors of War

We are called to be warriors for God's way and fight for His truth.

Will of Iron

We can have God as our spiritual personal trainer!