
Passover Focus

Speaker: Tom Meece 4\4\20 The Passover is not about self-examination and feeling sorry, but rather about the Life of Christ---both in the physical and spiritual sense. To overcome our weaknesses, especially to live the abundant life God intends for us…

Tree of Life: Central --- Available -- Dynamic

Speaker: James Malizia 2/8/20 Physical human existence is book-ended with something of great interest and from which we can learn many, many spiritual lessons from... these book-ends are the the Tree of Life. It was in the Garden of Eden…

Nothing Lasts forever

We all have probably heard the expression "nothing lasts forever." And in the physical realm this is certainly true. One of the purposes for our keeping the feast of Tabernacles is to remind us each year of this fact. In…

Did God Set Us Up for Failure?

Do you ever feel like no matter what you try, you fail? That your best effort isn't good enough? Do you feel like God has set us up as some sort of a cruel cosmic joke, knowing we could never…

Facing the Giants

At times in life we have the giant that crosses our path. Some of these giants are physical, but often they are our own mental, emotional, or spiritual giants. We all have giants. What are the giants in your life…

From Fear to Love

In this split sermon, spiritual lessons from physical examples in the Bible are explored. God uses the known dynamics of our human relationships to teach lessons that apply on a spiritual level.

What Does It Mean To Be Made In The Image Of God?

In Genesis we're told that man was made in the image of God. But is there more that God has in mind? In this sermon, Jerold Aust, retired pastor and Senior Beyond Today writer, explains what God really intended when…

God's Purpose for Our Physical Life

As we begin to approach the fall Holydays this year I believe it is important to remind ourselves of God’s view of the purpose of our lives. It is easy for us to get wrapped in the cares… or the…

Born Again

What is man? What is our life now in relation to what we will be? What does it mean to be "born again"? We were created to become part of God's family.

Why the Physical?

If the greater meaning of Passover and the Holy days is spiritual, why the physical?