
The Lamb Slain

We can view the timeline and intent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the foundation of the world. Peter goes on to explain the Christian's role in this plan which was orchestrated from before time. Our responsibility to…

Why Are We on A Need to Know Basis

Why do we have so many questions that we would like to ask God? We should treasure the knowledge He has already given us.

Why Did Christ Speak In Parables?

It is clear to most people that the problems this world faces are insurmountable. God is aware of this condition and expresses that He wills for all mankind to be saved. Yet the plan that He is working out to…

What Are You Anticipating

Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Is this real to you?

The Greatest Redemption Story Ever Told

Most people love a good redemption story. Hollywood gives us dozens of movies each year that tell us a redemption story of some sort. Do you realize you are in the middle of the greatest redemption story ever told? Today…

The Day of Reconciliations

Quentin Rhody explores what kind of priest Christ represents through the holy and righteous character of Malkitsedeq and the enigma of Satan's role in God's overall plan pictured in the Day of Atonement.

God's Desire for Humanity

God designed humanity for His Family and that is OUR Purpose …AND His Approach to us.

The Compact

Agreements such as the Mayflower Compact were very important in our history, what other agreement have God and Christ made for all mankind?

Does Our Vision Align With God's Plan For Us?

As a "new creation" we need to be overcomers and rid our lives of secret sins. Let's discuss how we can do this and how God's Spirit can be the gatekeeper of our minds.

Holy Days, Focus, Hope

Jerry Zemlicka discusses the plan of God as laid out within His Holy Days and the hope they bring to those that keep them.