
Through the Obstruction

There are many obstacles in life that can distract us from our goals. This message reviews steps in a plan of action to stay focused on our goals.

Preparing for Planting Season

Lessons of the farmer. God's Spring Holy Days call for planning and effort. What kind of crop do you want to produce in your Spiritual Life?

What will it take to keep the Feast again next year?

Having just returned from the Feast of Tabernacles, many have already begun to think about the Feast next year. Hopefully you just returned from 'the Best Feast ever,' but if not, it's never too soon to start preparing for next…

Ready For Rehearsal

The festivals of God are given to us so that we may rehearse the plan of God. They are opportunities for us to learn the ways of God. It is important for us to prepare to learn. God also learns…

Laziness: 3 Paths that Lead the Wrong Direction

There are a lot of reasons we become lazy at times. Today, we'll look at 3 of them and how to avoid them.

Godly Forethought

One of God's greatest attributes is His use of forethought in His actions and plans. In this insightful sermonette, Kirk Talbott describes how God uses aforethought and what we can learn from it.

Spirit and Truth

Where do you want to end up in the calling God has given you? It's a deep question, and we have to ask ourselves what do we have to be so that we end up in the Kingdom?

God on Goals - What Does the Next Year Hold For You?

Living without having planning ahead can lead to frustration and a life with achievement. In this sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, Philip Aust, pastor of the two churches, discusses how we can set goals in our…


Chess is a game of planning and forethought. Some are very skilled in looking at long-term scenarios. God is the master planner and sees the end from the beginning. There are several examples in the Bible of the steps leading…
Gas is Low, But Could Go Much Lower!

Gas is Low, But Could Go Much Lower!