
Don’t Look Back

Gaining freedom is a wonderful thing. Who would want to return to bondage? Sadly, ancient Israel did at times, and Christians can learn a valuable lesson from their example. Being freed from sin, we must look ahead and not back…

Importance of Setting Physical and Spiritual Goals

Having enjoyed the Feast of Tabernacles recently, we look ahead and ask, “what’s most important for me to achieve through the coming year? This message gives guidelines through the use of an acronym, S.M.A.R.T. Each letter stands for a tool…

What will it take to keep the Feast again next year?

Having just returned from the Feast of Tabernacles, many have already begun to think about the Feast next year. Hopefully you just returned from 'the Best Feast ever,' but if not, it's never too soon to start preparing for next…

What Do We Do in the Church?

Last week the UCG General Conference of Elders approved the 2018-2019 Strategic Plan, Operation Plan and Budget. What is that plan, and what does it mean to you as a Christian and a part of the United Church of God?

Godly Forethought

One of God's greatest attributes is His use of forethought in His actions and plans. In this insightful sermonette, Kirk Talbott describes how God uses aforethought and what we can learn from it.

Don't Be Afraid To Set Goals

Recently, the Atlanta and Buford congregations were challenged by their pastor, Philip Aust (see sermon dated 11/4/17) to set individual goals - in fact 25 of them. Because some people may be struggling with this request, Michael Bannen in this…

How and When to Prepare for the Feast of Tabernacles

Listen to this sermon to find out how, why and when you should prepare to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.

God on Goals - What Does the Next Year Hold For You?

Living without having planning ahead can lead to frustration and a life with achievement. In this sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, Philip Aust, pastor of the two churches, discusses how we can set goals in our…

Dollars in Flight

How much control do we have over our money?