
The Next Chapter

Freshly retired, this is a reflection on my time as an employee and a sharing of some future hopes & dreams. lt's also an invitation for everyone to consider what challenges and opportunities await each of us.

The Best Laid Plans

What are your plans for the future? Are they your plans, or the plans God has for you?

I Can't Wait

In this message, we explore the connection that a parent has with their child, how that relationship mimics our own with God, and highlight how our excitement for things in our physical lives should be equally matched with our eagerness…

Unless the LORD Builds the House

Without God's active involvement in our plans and activities, what we do will ultimately end in futility. This is true in our physical families, in our spiritual family; the Church of God, and all we propose to accomplish. With the…

Advice For God's New Creatures

We have among us some individuals who will be baptized within the next month or so… and I have been thinking a lot about their future lives as “new creatures in Christ”. At the same time I have been thinking…

The Power of Meditation

Listen to this sermon to learn why engaging in the right kind of meditation is so important, and how reflecting and internalizing God’s way of life is achieved with meditation. A quiet mind can hear God’s instruction, and meditation is…

The Elusiveness of Time

If we want more time, we must plan for the time we have.

Did You Finish It?

Do we have projects that we never seem to complete?

If God Wills

Do we boast of our plans as though the future were entirely within our control? Or, more dangerously, do we simply delete God from the planning board of our life?

What's Your Plan?

"Learning to plan is a key to success in school and life."