
The Politics of the Kingdom of God

One of the great deceptions and false teachings is to spiritualize away the reality of the coming kingdom of God, and the reality of its implementation on earth as a form of government which regulates economic and social policy.

Getting Out of Prison Through Christ

We understand that Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are a time of self examination. But after examining ourselves and recognizing a need to change, how exactly do we do that. The answer is the focal point of the…

How Should Christians Conduct Themselves In The Politically Correct War?

American society, as well as others in the Western world, are largely now constrained by restrictions promulgated by the ideas and beliefs of political correctness (PC). In this split-sermon, Jonathan Beam discusses what PC is, how it impacts society, and…

What Does the Bible Teach about Modern Politics & Government

It’s that time again that you have all been waiting for! What event is bloody, celebrates evil, promotes make-believe… focuses on individuals who look like the “living dead?" … no… not Halloween… something even more spooky… another American mid-term election…

The Contentious and Divided Government: How Will It Be Resolved?

Why is there such a governmental divide in the world today? Will it ever be resolved? Speaking about the future government on the earth, the Bible says there is a wonderful government of perfect peace and righteousness coming and it…

The Politics of the Kingdom

Today America is fractured due to an ever-increasing political divide. Revelation 2 and 3 remind us the prevailing cultural environment can seep inward and hinder our personal and collective spiritual development and witness. In this challenging time, what is the…

Political Voting

A look at political voting.

Political Activism

How involved should Christians become in the electoral process? Should Christians line up behind these candidates and provide support, logistical or financial? How should a Christian view this whole political process? How involved should a Christian be when it comes…