
The World to Come

People running for office make promises about the wonderful future people will have if they will vote them in. Everyone realizes that "campaign promises" are rarely fulfilled. But, there are promises we are given about a government to come that…


With another election year fast underway, it can be depressing and frustrating seeing the battling candidates and what seems to be a never ending advertising campaign of mud slinging and back biting. As a Christian in today's world, what should…

What's Wrong with Politics?

Should a Christian be involved in the political process? What relationship should we have with the civil government? What about related issues such as voting and jury duty?

Voting and Involvement in Politics

As Citizens of the Kingdom and Ambassadors for Jesus Christ, should a member of the Church participate in voting and the secular political systems of this society? Should we vote? Should we not vote? Should we or shouldn’t we be…

Political Activism

How involved should Christians become in the electoral process? Should Christians line up behind these candidates and provide support, logistical or financial? How should a Christian view this whole political process? How involved should a Christian be when it comes…
An open Bible on a windowsill.

Change to Really Believe In

The current U.S. presidential race offers starkly different visions for the future. Which vision more closely aligns with the Bible? And what is God’s vision of the ultimate government the world so badly needs?

Campaign for the Kingdom

This message examines the word "politics" and why we need to be campaigning for the Kingdom of God.
Media Production

Christian View on Politics: Part 2

In a society that believes that one vote every four years will solve world's problems, where should we place our efforts?
Media Production

Christian View on Politics: Part 1

Where should our line be drawn between church and state?

Let's Stay Focused on God's Coming Kingdom

Don't get drawn into the politics and hopelessness of man's governments.