

Politics dominates the world around us. It is evident nationally, globally, in our industry and workplaces, and personal lives. It is even found in the pages of the Bible with devastating spiritual effects. "Politics" in its various forms is a…

The Election

Election is a term associated almost totally with politics in our society and elections will be in the spotlight here in the United States for the entire year of 2020. Is this the case with God? Or does He have…

A House United

Our citizenship in Heaven (Philippians 3:20] on us should keep us from being drawn into taking sides in the hopeless political efforts of men.

Getting Out of Prison Through Christ

We understand that Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are a time of self examination. But after examining ourselves and recognizing a need to change, how exactly do we do that. The answer is the focal point of the…

Us and Them?

We live in a world of constant division. We are divided into 'Us and Them' being seen as political parties, and in economic standards, and as many races and ethnicities. In this world of Us and Them, remember there is…

Christians and Politics

A Biblical view of a Christian not participating in the politics of this world.

Christians and Politics

A Biblical view of a Christian not participating in the politics of this world.

Now and Then

We live in a country that is turning its back on God and a world filled with trouble. The modern descendants of Israel are prophesied to fall suddenly, and the world will be an even darker place. We are in…

Make Your Election Sure

Don't get caught up in the politics of men. Stay focused on God.

A Presidential Election

Recently we celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles… and in just a few days we will witness a complete contrast to the Feast. The Feast procures a time of peace, unity, abundance for everyone, and the complete presence of God in…