

Power should be in a right perspective and used to serve the everlasting God, towards a higher purpose to be apart of the Kingdom of God. Power used incorrectly is useless.

Learning to Trust God

Speaker: Fred Crow 3/28/20 Through God's Word, the written examples and experiences of our forefathers, we can learn some major personal lessons. One big lesson from Exodus; God may allow us to go through difficult times so that He might…

The Praise of the Saints

There is a balance to the converting relationship between God and His People while they grow in His Grace and His Knowledge and His Righteousness …that balance in repentance and conversion is achieved through “The Praise of The Saints

Fervent Prayer

We need to continue to pray to God with fervency, power, and life until we receive an answer. Then we need to go to God and worship Him no matter what the answer is.

Does God Answer Our Prayers?

This is a story of my son, who had an accident which should have killed him . . . but it didn't because of the power of answered prayers.


There is an aspect of praise and thanksgiving that we may not realize. See how offering thanks to God is often a prerequisite to the power of God being applied.

The Power of Prayer

Looking at how powerful prayer can be in each of our lives.

Prayer Time

Knowing how to pray is wealth of a special sort.

Time to Pray?

Seen on a church billboard near Cincinnati, Ohio: "Before All Else Fails, Pray."

Treasure Digest

Hannah's prayer is beautiful.