
Communication and the Christian

Words are very important and very powerful. We are called to represent God through our words and deeds.
A woman standing in a field looking up.

What It Means To Glorify God

We glorify or magnify God, or give glory to God, when we recognize, admire, value or extol His attributes and acts—His holy righteous character, creative brilliance, miraculous works and boundless wisdom.
Media Production

Life is Short

Life is short, so praise God.

The Power and Praise of Thanksgiving!

As God’s children today, let us be sure to praise God the Father and Jesus Christ often and give Them genuine thanks for who They are, what They are doing, and what They will do in the future! Let us…
As we praise Him and refresh our memories of His goodness, we remind ourselves that we can trust Him for mercy and goodness.

Praise in Times of Trouble

When should we praise God? Is praise reserved for times of joy, or should we praise God in difficulties?

His Wondrous 'Omni' Characteristics

Speaker: James J Malizia 4/11/20 Location: Orinda In this message presented by James J Malizia on April 11, 2020 it is discussed how we can find great solace and comfort in thinking on and praising our loving God in that…

Redefining a Congregation

In this message, the background of the Church at Ephesus is discussed as well as points of praise, points of correction and lessons for our congregations today. This sermon is the second in a series based on the letters to…

Praising God

The Bible is filled with stories of people praising and thanking God for the things He provides. For example in Psalms, David expresses praise to God in every chapter. Listen in to find out other examples of praises to God…

Spiritual Sacrifices

Eventhough physical sacrifices of animals are no longer required, Christians still need to offer spirtual sacrifices. In this sermonette we review and examine the ten spiritual sacrifices a Christian must offer.

Music As Part of Our Worship and Praise of God

How we can please God through our music, and also how we can displease God.