
Wisdom, Guidance and Protection

What do we pray for mostly?
Privately praying in a serene outdoor setting

Pray . . . for Parents?

Your parents probably taught you to pray, and there’s no doubt they pray for you. But have you ever thought about praying for your parents?

They Did Not Receive the Love of the Truth

Join us for this eye opening sermon about being ready for the return of Jesus Christ. Are you ready? Are you renewing your mind daily? are you getting more of God's Holy Spirit? The answers to these questions and more…

Are We Our Brother's Keeper?

In this sermonette, the speaker shares an inspiring feast story and asks the question "Are we our brother's keeper." The speaker shows how we need to care, pray, and serve our brethren in Christ and prepare for a fruitful Feast…

In this Manner, Pray

In the middle of His foundational message known as the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ gave instruction to His disciples on one of the most important things we do as Christians. He said, “In this manner, pray…” When we…

Why Anxiety If I am a Christian

Join us for this very interesting video sermon about Anxiety, and what we can do to alleviate these problems, and help others around us. These problems do exist in the church and outside also. Join us as Mr. de Campos…

A Pattern of Prayers for Others

Summary for message given on March 23,2019 by Mr. James Malizia: In considering our personal prayer life… do we ask our self “for whom am I interceding? Can I do this better? Are there others & their needs that I…

Watch, Pray, Work!

While we await the return of Christ, what must we do? How can we follow His instructions in Mark 13:33-34?

Five Keys To Effective Prayer

Prayer is one of the most fundamental and crucial keys to success for Christians. This message offers five keys that can help develop a meaningful and successful relationship with our creator through prayer.

What are YOU going to do about it?

With tragedies like school, church and synagogue shootings happening on a regular basis, what should we as Christians do about it? We know that evil will only be removed at the return of Jesus Christ, so what should we do…