
Wisdom, Guidance and Protection

What do we pray for mostly?
Sermon: A Prayer for the Bold

A Prayer for the Bold

We win our battles by taking a bold stand. An early experience of the church shows us how to come boldly to God for help.
A man praying.

How Do Christians Make Intercessory Prayer?

Making intercessory prayer to God for others is a defining characteristic of a true Christian.

Open Doors and God's Work

One important responsibility we have as members of God's church is to pray for the success of the Work. We should pray that God will open doors for the Work that people will hear the message and be receptive to…
A woman holding a Bible on her lap.

Pray or Pay

Paul wrote that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).

A Pattern of Prayers for Others

Summary for message given on March 23,2019 by Mr. James Malizia: In considering our personal prayer life… do we ask our self “for whom am I interceding? Can I do this better? Are there others & their needs that I…

Five Keys To Effective Prayer

Prayer is one of the most fundamental and crucial keys to success for Christians. This message offers five keys that can help develop a meaningful and successful relationship with our creator through prayer.

Don't Stop Praying

Prayer is an essential part of discipleship. We are instructed to pray, pray always. However, there are times when we find it difficult to pray. It's then that we need to pray evermore. Let's take a look at what prayer…

Pray Without Ceasing

We must spend time with God in order to have a relationship with Him. In prayer, we need to be seeking God's will rather than merely presenting Him with a wishlist. We need to pray for others in addition to…
A person floating in the water with the sun setting.

Are You Just Treading Water?

Doing the minimal amount of effort doesn't cut it.