Open Bible

Preaching the Gospel as a Witness

Discover how contemporary advertising methods play a vital role in the Church’s commission to preach the gospel of God’s Kingdom as a witness to all nations.

Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

Being Like John the Baptist

You might know who John the Baptist was, but do you know what he did? More than eating locusts and being beheaded, John the Baptist paved the way for the coming of Jesus Christ. From this example, we can learn…

Doing Isaiah’s Job

Isaiah started a job given to him by God; it is up to us to carry this mantle to continue the work.

Is Preaching the Gospel Necessary?

What is the Gospel? And is it necessary for us to preach it? Many critics claim that preaching the Gospel is not necessary. Yet Christ gives clear instruction to us, His present-day disciples, to go out and preach the good…

Why Is Jerusalem A City To Watch?

Jerusalem has been a city of contention for years over religion, peoples and nations with events that will lead up to Christ's return. The people of God must be alert and doing God's work before that day arrives.

Out of Africa

Insights into preaching the gospel in various areas of Africa.

Preaching the Gospel, Preparing a People

Listen to this sermon to discover how we should be doing our part in support of preaching the gospel, and preparing a people. Are we prepared? Are we an example of living the gospel, and thereby "preach" the gospel with…


There are many ways we can make sacrifices in our lives - offerings, service to others, and our time for example. It is a matter of the heart. What is your attitude in giving?
Our comission is to preach the gospel to as many people as possible. One way we are able to achieve this is through technology.

Technology and Preaching the Gospel

Ours is a work of spreading the gospel around the world! We have a divine, scriptural commission to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom to as many people as we are able.