
Do You Have a Sense of Urgency?

We need to have a sense of urgency about preaching the gospel, about being zealous about our own spiritual state and our readiness for the return of Jesus Christ.

Five Worlds to Reach with the Gospel

The Bible tells us to "Go Ye Therefore into All the World." There are five very distinct worlds out there. We need to know these worlds and go into where they are. We must connect with the people, as Christ…

Woe Unto Us If We Preach Not the Gospel

Other than personal salvation, there is possibly no more vital biblical perspective than our collective role of preaching the gospel. To fully understanding this will direct where you place your life's energies and your devotion.

Unity of Faith Through God's Spirit

God is the Creator of unity of purpose. In our church there is both a unity of faith and a diversity of cultures that should be appreciated and respected. Both elements are needed to be balanced if we are to…
Girl holding a Bible in a field

How Can You Preach the Gospel?

If you thought preaching was a job limited to pastors, you’re not alone. I used to believe the same thing—until I learned what it really means to preach.

Use this Crisis to Correct Your Spiritual Course

Speaker: Jim Tuck 4/25/20 As we fast in this time of international crisis due to the coronavirus how will you respond? Our time is now to break the cycle of humanity and raise the bar in our own spiritual commitment…

Should We Tithe Today?

Join us for this very interesting study of Tithing and it's relevance in today's world. Do you believe that tithing has been done away with? Did Jesus change the law of Tithing? The answers to these questions and more in…
Photo of man standing on a stone dock on a lake surrounded by mountains.

Preaching with Conviction and Courage

How do we define the kind of preaching that has been the practice of God's prophets, apostles and Church down through time?

Who Are You Taking With You?

We all have family and friends around us that could benefit from our church belief of Preaching the Gospel and Preparing a People. How can we assist those who are in need?

What Is the Everlasting Gospel?

Are we ever done preaching the Gospel? What is the Everlasting Gospel talked about in Revelation 14:6? What is our role and the role of this angel?