
"'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live'" (Ezekiel 33:11).

Some believe that the actions and fate of every human being are set in stone from before birth—but the Bible teaches that God created us with the capacity to choose our destiny. Learn why below.


What is God's Will in Your Life?

Where are you in your life plans? We make plans, yet who is responsible for carrying out those plans?

God's Will

Listen to this sermon to learn about God's will. Does God give blessings? Can God's will change? Is God's will a form of predestination? Does God cause tragedy? God allows man to have free will. God also says Satan is…

The Mystery Revealed

What is the mystery of Ephesians 3? How does the mystery affect my life?


This word-study sermon looks at the meaning of "predestination" as it's used in the scriptures to describe God's relationship to His called and chosen people.

God Chose You!

Listen to this sermon and learn how you can renew your wonder, and meditate on God’s wonders small and great. Learn how to recapture your joy even when things seem to be unbearable and remember the wondrous things God has…

Does the Bible Teach Predestination of Our Salvation?

Each detail of our life is not planned in advance, but God has decided in advance to adopt us into his family. He also sets life and death before us, and in due time He will give everyone an opportunity…

When Did God Start Working With You?

God has a plan for each on of us. He is working on our future and us.

Does God Know the Future? ... Sort Of

We make choices in this life. How much control do we really have? How much foreknowledge does God have? This message explores the issue of free will, predestination, and the all-knowing God.


Since God is often referred to as all-knowing, does that mean our lives are predetermined? A brief look at what the Bible says about predestination.
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Does the Bible Teach Predestination? Part 2

God has predetermined something great for you. Will you make the choice to accept it?