
"'As I live,' says the Lord GOD, 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live'" (Ezekiel 33:11).

Some believe that the actions and fate of every human being are set in stone from before birth—but the Bible teaches that God created us with the capacity to choose our destiny. Learn why below.


The Biblical Meaning of Predestination

A biblical examination of the concept of predestination, dispelling many of the wrong teachings about it through use of the Scriptures.

The Glorified Firstfruits

On the Feast of Trumpets a group of people rise to meet Christ in the air - the Firstfruits! Just who are these people and what does the Bible reveal about them? In this sermon message, Dr. Steve Holladay covers…

Biblical Predestination

When examining the scriptures "precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little there a little" (Isa 28:10), how does the world's view of religious predestination stack up and compare to the Biblical perspective on predestination?

Predestination And Our Calling

The Apostle Paul addressed the church of his day, including himself, as those who were faithful in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1). Paul was not speaking to a wider audience on that occasion. But to those who had freely decided to…

God's Two Great Works

Many individuals are aware of the Great Commission of preaching the gospel to the world (Matthew 28). This is often referred to as "the Work." However, God is also performing another great work that is not emphasized enough from a…

Crucial Concepts

Certain words in the bible, even some basic words, can have meanings we may not fully understand. Understanding the definitions of words, such as these that are covered in this message, can be very important to understanding the concepts being…

We are Indeed God's Children

Join us for this excellent video sermon about predestination and God's purpose for your life. Are you predestined to be saved? What does predestination in the bible mean? What is God's purpose for your life? The answers to these and…

A Crisis of Choice

Predestination, abortion and modesty - what could possibly tie these together? Sounds improbable, but Kirk Talbott does so using the thread of choice! In this split-sermon Kirk Talbott shows how our ability to choose is integral in God's plan.

Predestined Us to Adoption

Today I would like to discuss God’s great love for us. It is easy for us to forget how deeply… and how long... God has desired for us to become His children. Today as we continue to ponder the Passover…

From Dust to Devine Nature

Please join us for this very interesting video sermon about what God's plan for all of mankind is. This plan originated from before the foundation of the world.