Given In

Predestination And Our Calling

How They Work Together

The Apostle Paul addressed the church of his day, including himself, as those who were faithful in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1). Paul was not speaking to a wider audience on that occasion. But to those who had freely decided to yield themselves to the calling which came from the Father through Christ. A wrong understanding of predestination makes God responsible for the evil events in this age.

Dwaine Hudson was born and grew up in Nebraska. He graduated from Fairbury High School in 1941 and joined U.S. Navy in 1942, serving as radio operator.   After discharge from the Navy in 1948, Dwaine spent 37 years in communications with Santa Fe railroad. He was married to his wife, Eleanor, for almost 68 years until her death in 2016.

Dwaine was baptized 1958, and ordained as an elder in 1976. He served in the Kansas City and Topeka Kansas churches until his death in 2022.

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