hiking people silhouetted against blue sky

God's Plan for Salvation

You probably recognize the fundamental teachings about Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, but have you ever considered more deeply the meanings behind them, and what—if any—role we play?
A group of friends on blanket in a park talking.

Is There Any Point in Sharing My Faith With My Non-Christian Friends and Family?

If they'll be in the second or general resurrection anyway, is there any point in sharing my faith with my non-Christian friends and family? Absolutely!

Abraham and Issac, God and Jesus Christ

One of the richest and most symbolic events of the Old Testament involved Abraham, Isaac and Mount Moriah. When God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on Mount Moriah, Abraham did not try to delay or reason with God. Abraham placed…

A Lament From Habbakuk

Habbakuk originally did not understand why God was using Babylon to punish both Judah and Assyria. But the captivity and eventual rebuilding of Judah resulted in a place for Christ to be born. God's plan is not always clear to…

How Can Anything Go Wrong

There's something in our nature that enjoys near disaster yet have a happy ending. Although we don't want things to go wrong, they often do. However, mankind will often make their own plans thinking nothing will go wrong. Quentin shows…

Why Are We on A Need to Know Basis

Why do we have so many questions that we would like to ask God? We should treasure the knowledge He has already given us.

How All Nations can Become the Israel of God Through the Plan and Purpose of God

All nations desperately need to become part of the Israel of God. The beautiful unity and central theme of the Bible reveals God’s awesome plan to bring sons and daughters to glory as part of His spiritual family. Through progressive…

Finding Peace

Many brethren have difficult trials and sometimes they are are more trying than other times. After a difficult or trying time, try to find peace. David said in Psalm 34 that we have to “seek peace." This message presents some…

The Lord's Prayer

Every word of the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 has meaning and is a restatement of the plan of God. Jesus Christ gave us this prayer as a model of how to pray and what to pray about. This sermon…

Old Age… What For?

Why should pain or frailty in old age be fairly common? Why is old age included in God's plan for most of us in this life? Old age can be humbling and bring us back from the vanity of youth…