
Encouraging Vision in the Household of God

As we enter a new calendar year in 2020, it is appropriate that we take stock of who we are as God's Household of Faith, and consider the focus and vision we need for unity and endurance as we draw…

The Greatest Redemption Story Ever Told

Most people love a good redemption story. Hollywood gives us dozens of movies each year that tell us a redemption story of some sort. Do you realize you are in the middle of the greatest redemption story ever told? Today…

The Seed of God

Was man made after the God kind? That is what Gen 1:26 seems to imply when viewed in context (see vv. 11, 12, 21, 24-25). However, two crucial features are obviously missing: God-life and God-nature. If God is actually our…

The Ideal Vocation

God’s calling, plan and purpose for us is the best “career” with the best benefits—incomparably superior to any secular vocation.

Six Key Scriptures for Atonement

On the Day of Atonement, the pastor discusses six key scriptures that help us to expand our understanding of this holy day.

The Day of Reconciliations

Quentin Rhody explores what kind of priest Christ represents through the holy and righteous character of Malkitsedeq and the enigma of Satan's role in God's overall plan pictured in the Day of Atonement.

The Great Harvest of God

The entire plan of God revolves around the harvest seasons. Harvests for a farmer was a happy time because it was the culmination of their all their labor. Are you making preparation for the harvests of God? We have to…

The Danger of Rejecting the True Document

Compared to the history of the spiritual world, man has only recently come onto the scene. The story of man's existence is an extraordinary one; however, it also contains one of the greatest mysteries of why God allowed evil to…

Predestination And Our Calling

The Apostle Paul addressed the church of his day, including himself, as those who were faithful in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1). Paul was not speaking to a wider audience on that occasion. But to those who had freely decided to…

Let Us Go Up To The Mountain Of The Lord

The Fall Holy Days are a time of rejoicing, of giving and serving others. God makes plain when and how to observe His Feast days and the hope that they picture.