
God's Desire for Humanity

God designed humanity for His Family and that is OUR Purpose …AND His Approach to us.

We Are the True Sons of Liberty

Who were the “Sons of Liberty”, and how do they relate to the few chosen to be called in this age? God is preparing His Kingdom behind the curtain of blindness over the eyes of this world, and He will…

The Compact

Agreements such as the Mayflower Compact were very important in our history, what other agreement have God and Christ made for all mankind?

The Day of Atonement: Why It's Critical in God's Plan

As this vital Holy Day of God pictures, Satan the devil will be removed so he can no longer influence human beings into sin. When that great event occurs all humanity—under the righteous rulership of Jesus Christ—will them become truly…

Examining For Spiritual Gifts

Speaker: James Malizia 6/8/19 In this message presented the Sabbath of June 8th, James Malizia facilitates an exploration to consider the concept of God's calling each of us to participate in His work in ways which maybe we have not…

Pentecost: Completing the Cycle

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and Pentecost have a strong connection between them. These three festivals are connected and they all address the problem of sin in our world.

Holy Days, Focus, Hope

Jerry Zemlicka discusses the plan of God as laid out within His Holy Days and the hope they bring to those that keep them.

The Compact

God’s plan of salvation for mankind is because of an agreement or compact between God the Father and the Word, who became Jesus Christ. They agreed on the roles They would execute to bring mankind to eternal salvation. “The Compact”…

I Peter 1:3-5

Peter opens his first epistle with a summary of the plan of God that is worthy of memorization and investigation. This synopsis of salvation in his salutation is the subject of our study.

Our Calling in God's Master Plan

If we are to receive the gift of eternal life and become members of God’s family, we must show our willingness to obey God each and every day by striving to get the spiritual leaven of sin out of our…