
God's Blessings Over the Last Ten Years

With the advance of technology through the years, we, as a church, have been blessed with advances in our ability to preach the Gospel.

A Kinder, Gentler You

President George Herbert Walker Bush had a vision for a kinder, gentler, nation. Whether he was successful or not is left for history to determine. But what about for yourself? Regardless of what the world around us may do, you…

The First Inauguration in Israel

Yesterday (January 20th) I had the opportunity to watch some of the inauguration ceremonies of our new American President. I couldn’t help to think back to the first King of Israel and his inauguration. His name was Saul and I…
A lectern with a Trump poster on the front.

Trump Takes Over—Now What?

After eight years of liberal policies and programs dominating the American political and social scene, could a new presidential administration make a difference in America’s direction?
Media Production

America's Election Results: A Time to Pray

What should our attitude be toward the results of the American election?
Formal entrance to Zhongnanhai, the seat of China's communist government.

Why Is the Perfect Government So Elusive?



This could be called the summer of the American presidency.

In Brief... World News Review

Millions and millions of dollars are being collected and spent in the U.S. presidential bid.
The White House a night time.

What Will the Next President Face?

In the days of biblical Israel, advisers counseled the king on how to lead the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. Isaiah revealed God's will to Hezekiah. These men of God represented the...

What Will the Next President Face? (Part 2)

In the days of biblical Israel a king had a unique type of adviser in his court to counsel him how to run the nation based on the Word of God. Samuel guided Saul. Nathan counseled David. The prophet Isaiah...