
A Kinder, Gentler You

President George Herbert Walker Bush had a vision for a kinder, gentler, nation. Whether he was successful or not is left for history to determine. But what about for yourself? Regardless of what the world around us may do, you…

Restoration...A Week to Remember

It has been an extraordinary week for America

Books and Obama


What Are You Reading


Where Is Jeremiah When You Need Him?

The United States needs a speech like that given by the prophet Jeremiah when he stood in the capital city of ancient Judah.

Partisan Politics Do Not Lead to Salvation

It's time we move away from the empty partisan politics of this world and focus on the knowledge of God's truth.

The Powerful Effects of Decisions!

The end result of people's choices is often the stuff that makes headlines—some good, some bad, some horrific. But many decisions greatly affect lives beyond those featured in the big type.

President Bush's News Conference


Major International Challenges Confront President Bush's Second Term

The world looks very different four years after President Bush took office. What challenges lie ahead for the second Bush administration?

World News and Trends

George Bush has tried to restore spiritual leadership to the American presidency.