ISIS, Evil and the Day of Atonement

ISIS, Evil and the Day of Atonement

Does Israel Matter?

Does Israel Matter?

U.S. President Barack Obama recently called on Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders as the basis for a solution to its conflict with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that this is a non-starter. Why is this so...

World News and Trends

Israel is a tiny nation besieged by serious problems on every side.

Poor Israel--I'm Appalled by President Obama's Speech


Presidential Pronouncement Premature

Have you ever had one friend tell you something terrible about another person that you know? It's natural to believe your friend and to say things about the supposed wrongdoer or even to take action against him or her. However...

The Other Historic Inauguration of January 2009

The inauguration of the new President of the United States was not the only historic inauguration in the month of January.
Challenges Ahead for Obama

Challenges Ahead for Obama


Obama's Success