
Spiritual Warfare - Part 2

In a continuation of a previous sermonette, Stephen Kusi continues to discuss the warfare that Satan wages against God's people.

Satan-the Master Broadcaster

In Ephesian 2:2 Satan is called the prince of the power of the air working-inside the minds of-people. The main point of discussion—How Satan gets us to sin by wedging pride into our decision making.

Five Big Reasons Why We Need the Day of Atonement

This world desparately needs the fulfillment of the events that are symbolized on the Day of Atonement. In this sermon, Dr. Steve Holladay, a deacon serving in the Atlanta and Buford, GA congregation, discusses five major subjects that are associated…

The Shadow Government That Works in This World

There has been much talk about embeded and "deep state" governments that work behind the scenes to undo the work of elected officials. Theories about shadowy organizations such as the so-called "Illuminati", which are trying to achieve a one world…
Small tree seedling growing on forest floor.

The Stunted Tree

Where are we deciding to be planted, is it time to pull up roots?