
How do you set and keep the right priorities in your life? We should evaluate our personal and family priorities to see if we are directing our lives toward the Kingdom of God.


Buy of Me Gold Tried in the Fire

Do you value the Kingdom of God? Are you prepared to pay the price now? Can you make that type of commitment? Can you show that your commitment is genuine?

Seeds for the Future

Sweden invested in oak trees for 150 years for naval ships. When the trees were ready ship construction had switch to other building materials. What can we do with our time that will last for eternity?

Spiritual Lessons from King Hezikiah

A focus on 3 very important spiritual lessons that each of us as Christians must be careful to understand and practice

Who is the God of All Our Days?

God should be our top priority, we should always be thinking about God.

Lessons from the Sower

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke contain the some 36 parables of Christ Jesus. The parables were and are important teaching tools for those who are called and have ears to hear. The Parable of the Sower is only…

Using God's Blessings to Prepare for the Kingdom

We can prepare for the Kingdom of God by learning what is real and what is worthless. Christians should be able to judge and prioritize what is worthwhile.

Examining Godly Priorities

What gets in the way of God as THE Life Priority? We must remove what is NOt OF God in order to please Him and do His Work.

Look Up

As we go through life, we need to remember, in all that we do, to look up to the Master Builder. In a physical building, if we don't work in accordance with where the main structural supports are, things won't…

How Do You Find Balance in Your Life?

How can we find the balance we need in our daily lives as Christians? Look to Jesus for the answer: in Mark 1:35-39, Jesus puts God's priories first, not the needs or desires of others. Jesus knew when to say…

Ezra and Seeking

Three areas in which we should continue to seek to live God's way are discussed. The book of Ezra is used mainly to expound on this subject.