
Deuteronomy Introduction and Chapter 1

This Bible study covers the book of the introduction of Deuteronomy as well as chapter 1. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Pentateuch which was written by Moses and is considered the heartbeat of the Old Testament. It covers…

Looking To God Who Opens the Way

Israel left Egypt with great rejoicing, but that positive attitude was short-lived. It's so easy to give in to doubt and discouragement when we run into difficulties. Instead, we need to look to God's promises, and realize that the great…

Numbers 32-34

This Bible study discusses the dividing of the promised land among the tribes of Israel. It also covers the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to their settlement in the land of Canaan.

Lessons from Numbers 13

5 lessons from Numbers 13/14 we can use on our walk to the promised land

Lessons from Numbers 13

5 lessons from Numbers 13/14 we can use on our walk to the promised land

Jericho, The Feast of Trumpets and You

On the Day of Trumpets, and as we near the Feast of Tabernacles, our thoughts turn to the return of Christ and our part in God's plan of salvation. How can Israel's entrance into the Promised Land help us understand…

Destination: Promised Land

Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the Holy Land - past, present and future - and why it has such an important place in God's heart and His plans. [Note - the video discussed has been…

Red Sea of Our Salvation

“Backroad to the Promised Land.” When Israel left Egypt, they traveled on the main road to the Promised Land. God turned them off the main road for their safety and in the process showed His miraculous delivery of them through…

Entering the Promised Land

Terry Johnson discusses the book of Joshua that tells about the miraculous crossing of Israel into the Promised Land. Terry focuses on the symbolism that is littered throughout and the lessons we can learn that continue to be significant today…

Numbers 15-16

In this Bible study, in chapter 15, God gives His laws concerning offerings and sacrifices. In chapter 16, the rebellion of Korah and three others men rose up before Moses, with certain of the sons of Israel, two hundred and…