Proofs of the Bible

"Write, for these words are true and faithful" (Revelation 21:5).

Interested in seeing why the Bible is a book you can depend on? Then look no further—this page is for you.


How Does the Bible Say to Prove God?

We should be more concerned about God's proof/test of us. This message looks at how God says to prove He exists, based on 5 sources from scripture.

Fundamental Belief #2: The Word of God

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at prrofs of the Bible and why God's word is still true and valid today.

Fundamental Beliefs Preamble - Does God Exist?

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at the existence of God and some of the proofs of his existence

The Truth About the Gospels

What are the Gospels and why were they written? How do we know we can trust them? We'll answer these and many more specific questions about the Bible's four accounts of Jesus' life and death.

Three Little Thoughts

In this sermonette, we examine bible verses that deal with the ocean, earth, and heavens. We use these concepts to describe God's glory.
How Science Confirms the Bible

How Science Confirms the Bible

In the past 150 years there has been an explosion of knowledge. With that knowledge we can see that science confirms God's existence and His involvement in Creation.

Is the Bible the Word of God?

How do we know the Bible is the inspired word of God? This message covers 5 points that prove the inspiration of the Holy Bible.

Old Testament Prophecies of the Coming of Christ: Proof of the Bible

In a split-sermon, deacon Steve Holladay discusses a few of the Old Testament prophecies that speak of Jesus Christ's first coming. These provide for all mankind clear proof of the authenticity of God's Word - the Bible

Four Ways You Can Prove the Bible

We are told that the word of God is something we can trust. This sermon looks at four ways you can prove the validity of the Bible.

Fulfilled Prophecy, Proof of the Bible

How can you prove that the Bible is true? Fulfillment of prophecy shows proof of God's existence. One example of fulfilled prophecy is the destruction of Tyre as prophecied in Ezekiel 26.