
By the Spirit

Many educated and brilliant people reject God and Biblical Prophecy. Bible academics say about 1/3 of the Bible is prophetic. What does that mean for us? This study will explore 3 points concerning God's purpose for prophecy for us."

The Prophetic Dream of the Great Image

One of the Bible’s most famous prophecies is Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the golden statue. Daniel though God’s help was able to tell the king what this dream meant: a prophecy of gentile world-ruling kingdoms through history. Where are we on…

Cassandra's Curse

Cassandra, the beautiful princess of Troy in Greek mythology, uttered true prophecies no one believed. Like God’s prophets whose messages and warnings were rejected, modern day “Cassandras” may voice unpopular or inconvenient truths about impending catastrophe or disaster. We must…

The End Times

One of the notable aspects of understanding God’s way of life is to understand prophecy. When God makes prophecies, they carry divine weight and they will happen. There is a body of prophecy we understand with a clarity that the…

Prophesy Fulfilled

There are a surprising number of prophesies that history shows came true. If God says something is going to happen, It will.

Discerning the Times

When David was finally able to set up the united monarchy, he had 200 men who could discern the times. What does that mean? Why is important, and how can you do it in your own life? Let's look at…

Bible Study

In this study Tim Seelig reviewed some prophecies that have been fulfilled and then discussed other prophecies that will be fulfilled in the future.

The Prophesies of the World Tomorrow!

Join us for a tour though the incredible word pictures of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God on earth. It'll be like paging through "GOD'S MILLENNIAL PHOTO ALBUM." We'll read and marvel at the implications…

Our Time in History

Where are we in history? The Feast of Trumpets and fall Holy Days signal the beginning of significant events for the world.

The Great Eclipses: Heavenly Signs?

Are the great eclipses in 2017 and 2024 heavenly signs? Can we know what they mean? Join us as we look at possible meanings....and compare them with biblical truth.