
Characteristics of the Final Church

The Church is a spiritual organism that will never die. But just before the return of Christ, there will be one final group of people here on Earth enduring to tribulation and working diligently to obey God in Spirit and…

The Feast of Trumpets

The book of Revelation prophesies that there will be seven trumpets that will sound leading up to Jesus Christ's return, each symbolically describing events that will take place. This is an overview sermon, covering the Church's understanding of those symbols…

Babylon Mystery Religion an Overview

In the book of Revelation there is mention of a "Mystery Religion". There is also mention of two women who are very different from one another. Unveiling what the bible and history shows about this "Mystery Religion" and these two…

The Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of the Two Witnesses

When we think about the return of Jesus Christ and end-time events as told in the Book of Revelation, we often think about the Two Witnesses. Who are they? What is their purpose? When will they appear on the world…

Beware of Babylon

The Bible has much to say about the false system that influences this world. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, discusses the origins and influence of Babylon on the world, and the fate…

The Seals of Revelations

How do the Seals of Revelations connect to end time events and the Holy Days? This sermon covers the general outline of the seals and how they apply to us and the fall Holy Days.

Our Time in History

Where are we in history? The Feast of Trumpets and fall Holy Days signal the beginning of significant events for the world.

The Great Deception

This Bible Study covers the "great deception" covered by the Apostle Paul in 2 Thessolonians. This is tied into the prophetic timeline laid out in Revelation 13.

To be a Pillar

The importance of pillars in the Bible and what God is preparing us to be.

What Brexit May Mean in Biblical Prophecy, Part 2

Over a month ago the British electorate stunned the world by voting to leave the European Union. Today I would like to give the 2nd part of a series explaining why this happened and what it ultimately may mean.