
The Church in End-Time Prophecy

What does the Bible have to say about the Church immediately before the return of Jesus Christ?

Do You Have a Sense of Urgency?

We need to have a sense of urgency about preaching the gospel, about being zealous about our own spiritual state and our readiness for the return of Jesus Christ.

A Heart Toward Prophecy

I Corinthians 13 states that without love, the gift of prophecy is of no value. Let’s learn how to handle God’s prophetic revelation with love, by studying the efforts of Jonah.

Two Minutes Dedicated to Eternity

A look back in history can provide answers for what lives ahead. We can look back in history and learn, from Abraham Lincoln; a man who was set before the nation to be a teacher.

Be Ye Watchful

We must as Christians to be always be on watch. Bible tells us to watch ourselves, watch the church, and watch world conditions.

Jacob's Trouble

The world has been thrown into turmoil since 9/11. The Bible tells us that there is coming a time of trouble on this world, and that it is going to occur at the time of the end.

See the Kingdom in the Feast

The only hope for our war-torn world is the Kingdom of God. God's fall Holy Days signify this coming time of peace and unity. While at the Feast of Tabernacles, it is important to truly picture the joyful time it…
A sign that reads dead end

Habakkuk’s Dilemma

After years of preaching a strong message of repentance, the prophet Habakkuk became distressed since most people refused to heed His God-given words. Learn what God told him and discover how it applies to the Church and its people today.

Bible Prophecy Beyond the Gloom and Doom

Bible prophecy often calls to mind the time of Jacob’s trouble, horsemen of the apocalypse and seals of destruction. But the gospel points to a time and a place that Bible prophecy reveals, and what Jesus and the saints will…

Rome in Revelation

Can historical trends explain the prophecies in Revelation 17?