
North-South Struggle for the Middle East

The King of the North and the King of the South--who are they and what is their upcoming role in Bible prophecy? We'll first examine biblical history to obtain important background information in order to understand what will take place…

Are We Living in the Last Days?

In this discussion format Bible study Mr. Smith asks the question, if we believe we are living in the last days, how do we support that belief?

The Abomination of Desolation

This sermon explains the scriptures that describe the abomination of desolation. We have been told to watch for that in the Olivet prophecy. What are we watching for?

The Abomination of Desolation

This sermon explains the scriptures that describe the abomination of desolation. We have been told to watch for that in the Olivet prophecy. What are we watching for?

Are We Aware of the Times?

Why do calamities happen, and why must so many people suffer? Countless catastrophes through history come, with ample warning, but typically people do nothing to avoid trouble. Jesus derided the people because they could tell when it was going to…

70 Weeks Are Determined

Learn the vital lessons of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy and how they apply to us today.

Earthquakes in End Time Bible Prophecy - Part 2

In part 1 we began covering the absorbing biblical topic of earthquakes in the end time by beginning with the overall chronology or sequence of prophesied events. In this part we'll detail specific scriptures about end time earthquakes by covering…

Is a One World Religion Coming?

You need to know: is a one-world religion coming? What do the scriptures explain?

Who are the Beast and False Prophet?

The book of Revelation tells of two mysterious figures that will appear on the world scene at the end time. Many will follow their political and religious lead and unwittingly oppose Jesus Christ! Who are the Beast and False Prophet…

Joel 2:1-15

Joel 2 foretells future events at the end of the age of man and the "Day of the Lord."