
We Have Been Warned

We have been told in advance what’s going to happen in the last days. We have also been told what we must be doing.

What is the Abomination of Desolation?

Within the book of Daniel and Revelation, bible prophecy mentions the Abomination of Desolation. Through the course of this message, we will review the historical accounts of the Abomination of Desolation and what role the final Abomination of Desolation will…

What Time Is It?

Our lives are centered around time. What time we get up to go to work, what time our next appointment or meeting is. What time is it in regards to prophecy?

Seeing Forward by Looking Back

In a week where the news focused on the impeachment hearings of the President and the fears of a virus outbreak crisis, very little was covered on the prophetic events of Great Britain officially leaving the European Union and the…

The Fact of Christ's Return

As God's called out ones we must diligently prepare for the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. He is coming! Therefore a sense of urgency for this great event is needed. Will you and I be ready?

Prophecy and the Spirit of This Age

What is happening in many parts of the world? Tune in and find out!

Why the Feast of Trumpets?

Why do we celebrate the Feast of Trumpets? Are we merely perpetuating a Jewish Festival or is there something significantly more profound about the real meaning of this pivotal Festival?

Why the Feast of Trumpets?

Why do we celebrate the Feast of Trumpets? Are we merely perpetuating a Jewish Festival or is there something significantly more profound about the real meaning of this pivotal Festival?

A Time for War - The Need for the 7th Trumpet Blast

Revelations 11 lists specific reasons why Christ will return at the 7th Trumpet. This sermonette explores those reasons.

The 7 Seals, the 7 Trumpets, and The 7 Last Plagues

Lord tell us when these things shall come to pass. Christ tells us what to be watchful for and tells us not to be deceived.