
Can I Really Do All Things?

Philippians 4:13 is quoted often as a source for "proving" we can achieve anything because of Christ, but does this verse actually teach such a philosophy?

Yeast and Pride

This message uses analogies to compare the relationsip between the physical (yeast) and the spiritual (pride) aspects in our lives. The story of Uzziah in the Old Testament (2Chr 26) is as an example of how pride may lead to…

Keeping Balance

Do we at times veer to the right or veer to the left or go into the ditch, spiritually speaking? We will consider 5 areas to help us maintain balance in Christian doctrines.

Freedom and Free Enterprise in the Millennium

The soon-coming reign of Jesus Christ is promised to be the most prosperous time in all human history. How is this possible? Jesus Christ promised to return and rule on earth for 1,000 years. Many prophetic passages in many books…

The Prosperity of the Kingdom of God

Many are familiar with the phrase “Live Long and Prosper” from the popular TV series, Star Trek. But did you know this phrase has Biblical origins? Join us as we explore God’s desire for humankind to live long and prosper…

Labor Day

Labor Day in America has some interesting roots. It looks at the success of workers and labor. We should also work and be productive in our Christian lives.

Money and The Bible

What is money in the Bible and how does it apply to us? What does God expect of us?

Blessings from the Rule of Law

History has shown that nations which live by a codified moral ethic prosper, and more so as the laws reflect the law of God.

But God...

Many parts of the bible have disaster in front of this statement and prosperity after. A good example of this principle is the life of Joseph as described in the bible. Though Joseph had many highs and lows he continued…

Seven Ways To Develop and Keep Friendships

Good friendships are rare. Here are seven principles to develop and keep good friendships.