
Godly Wisdom

God wants us to grow in grace and knowledge. He wants us to have the key of life. We need to seek wisdom from reading the Bible.

Choose Godly Wisdom

The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying. Proverbs 1:27 There are two sources of wisdom and we choose which one we will follow: bitterness and envy or patience and kindness Lady wisdom cries out to…
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Focus on Fighting Distractions

A football quarterback went to the "extreme" measure of ridding himself of his smart phone to focus on his job. We need this same focus on our living God.
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We have a finite number days in our lives; the key is to use each one wisely. We don't want to leave those projects unfinished as the number of our days shortens.
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Grow in Confidence: Part 1

We can have confidence because of the greatness of God and His care for us.
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A Soft Answer

When we experience confrontation we don't have to run away to keep the peace, but we should utilize tools from the Bible to keep us from escalating or contributing to these tense situations.
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The Crucible

What is a crucible, and how does it apply to Christianity?
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Toxic Situations

The Proverbs shows that we must remove ourselves from toxic environments or relationships.
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Life's Detours: Part 2

One way God leads and guides us through the detours of life.
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Asbestos in Your Life?

Asbestos is a banned toxic material. Are there toxic things in your life that should be removed?