
The Spiritually Clean Heart

How can we develop a spiritually clean heart? How important is our heart to God? What does God expect our heart to be like?

Having the Mind of Christ

In Philippians 2:5 we are commanded to have the mind of Christ to dwelling in us. What is the mind of Christ? How can we come to have the mind of Christ?

Salt Physical Properties

What are the physical Characteristics of salt that have spiritual applications we should be developing?

Sacrificing and Refining

Today we are going to look at why it is imperative for us – as Christians – to go through a refining process, and why this is important to consider on this Feast of Trumpets.

The Conscience Needs to be Kept Strong, Clean and Pure

How important is your conscience? The scriptures explain how vital it is to keep it strong, clean and pure so in order to avoid sin while seeking godly righteousness.

Be the Flavorful Salt

In Matthew 5:13, Jesus Christ famously describes Christians as the "salt of the earth." Subsequently, Christ explains that "if salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and…

A Pure Heart

God is pure and perfect, and the command is to be pure as your Father in heaven. In this sermon we discover how Christ died for our imperfections and how to live a pure life.

Searching for Smudges

Taking a look for smudges on our (spiritual) white garments in preparation for our wedding with Christ.

Purity and Peace

This sermonette investigates the connection between purity and peace in God's Word.

Stir Up Your Pure Mind

The purpose of 2 Peter 3 is to stir up your pure mind. It is a reminder of something already in us. What kind of people will we be and are we hastening the day by searching for truth?