

What is the most common malady in this country? Is it not having enough food to eat? Is it lack of access to education? Is it poor access to health care? All of those things exist, and there are people…

On to perfection

Many products that we use go thru a testing process to insure quality. Christians go thru a testing process that often includes trials so God can mold us into what he wants us to be.

Abundant Life

Do you have an abundant life? What did Christ mean when He said that He came that we might have life more abundantly? In this sermon we will look at what it means to have an Abundant Life.

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

Quality Control Standards

Just as any manufacturing concern has quality controls standards, do we as Christians have our own quality control standards? How do we police ourselves? Do we have methods and procedures to control our behavior, thoughts and actions?

God and Christ

What are the roles of God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ, as given in the Old and the New Testament? Here is a view from Genesis to Revelation.