
It Is Time to Wake Up!

Paul admonished the church in Rome, " is high time to awake out of sleep for now our salvation is nearer that when we first believed". Could you be asleep spiritually? Do you clearly see what's going on around you?

Discerning the Signs of the Times

As God’s people we have been called not only to prepare themselves for the greatest event to occur in the history of the world—the second coming of Jesus Christ—but we are to also to diligently monitor, examine and watch world…

Be Ready

Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ? We are admonished to be so. If not, why not? If not now, when? Young encourages people to prepare spiritually for the coming return of Jesus Christ.

Are you READY for the Kingdom?"

God has a big plan for you, and He has been grooming you to be in His Kingdom. We have been told what we must do now, but are we readying ourselves? What should we be doing to get ready?

Hear The Trumpet

This day of Trumpets will be a wake up call for all of us when it happens. Do you hear the sound of that trumpet right now in your lives?

Preparation Day

Do we truly prepare for the Sabbaths and High Days?

Called to be Teachers

Our calling is to be first fruits in the Kingdom of God, to be Kings and Priests to our Father in Heaven. Kings rule and Priests teach. At the return of Jesus Christ there will be a repentant class of…

A Full Lamp at Midnight

Upon baptism, the Holy Spirit begins working with us as God prepares His people for His family. In a brief overview, we examine the prophetic warning written in Matthew almost two thousand years ago to God's called out ones living…

Plan for a Crisis in your Faith

We are encouraged to have an emergency plan for natural disasters, such as earthquakes, tornados, or floods - even when we don’t know when they will occur. Do we have a plan for a crisis in our faith? The loss…

Be Ready to Give an Answer

Living your faith on a daily basis can lead to unexpected questions from those who notice you are "different". Since the questions will come, are we ready to give an answer ? What kinds of answers should we give?