

Due to our limited senses we are often unaware of much what is happening around us. The people involved in the events leading up to the death of Jesus Christ are reviewed in the sermon. Here we will find that…

Is God Real to You?

We have proven God's existence through the years, but do you see God's reality personally in your life?

The Trouble with Self-Deception

Listen to this sermon to learn about seven principles of self-betrayal that lead us to betray our principles, and deceive ourselves into believing we are living God's way when we might not be.

Listening for the Voice

Does God seem unreal to you at times? Perhaps it is time for you to listen for God's voice. It is there.

Are You Living in Reality?

Andy McClain speaks about whether we are living in the reality that our fight is not human, but of spiritual forces. Satan's intent is to wear us down until we lose are resolve. God is power, wisdom, and protection.

The Reality We Share

The world we see is becoming increasingly dark and uncertain. At times it feels as if the enemy is surrounding us and crushing down upon us, threatening imminent destruction. But that's not the reality we live in. As Gods people…

Truth Never Changes, but Reality Does Change

God knows the truth of our actions. That truth will never change. But the reality that we die-- will change when resurrected. God is in control of our reality, and our actions will determine what kind of reality we live…
When Ideology Takes Over

When Ideology Takes Over

What ideologies dominate your life? Let's explore God's balanced approach.