
Making Christ Our Head Through Circumcision of the Heart

In this sermon, we'll look at why God chose circumcision as a symbol of His authority. We'll look at the importance He continued to place on the symbolism of circumcision as a demonstration of commitment to God throughout ancient Israel's…

The Spirit of Rebellion

A tour of biblical history examining the spirit of rebellion and its root cause.

Sons of Belial and Us

Sons of Belial is an attitude and character trait. Sons of Belial forsake God's Way and become rebellious toward God. They overrate their knowledge and understanding of God and His ways. So what is the solution to overcoming the attitude…

Could You be Rejected to be a King in the Kingdom of God?

Very eyeopening sermon about our responsibilities and commitments to enter the Kingdom of God. Do we have to hold on and persevere till the end? Join us for this very interesting video on the most important thing in our lives.


Lucifer rebelled against God by coveting what God had created; he wanted it all. You shall not covet anything.

Do the Will of the Father

In Mat 21:28, Christ gave a parable of two sons who were asked by their father to work in the vineyard. One agreed, and one refused. In this sermon given before the combined Atlanta and Buford congregations in Norcross, GA…


A look at the rebellion of Korah and lessons we can apply in our personal lives - lessons such as the danger of murmuring.

A Spirit of Rebellion

Rebellion is something we all have to deal with, it is throughout history. Why do we rebel against God? How can we overcome it? It seems to be at its worst when we are down. It is built into our…

Spirit of Rebellion

Do you understand the spirit of rebellion? The thoughts within us that would cause us to commit the sin of rebellion? Opposed the sin of rebellion through thanksgiving.

Don't Take It Personally

David properly placed Goliath's defiance as against God, not Israel. He applied to the confrontation the appropriate offense. Though Goliath saw his own actions as against just another nation, David put it where it belonged, as an affront to God…