
God's Word is a Light to our Path

In order to be properly approach a brother who may have something against you it is important to use God's word to help light the path to reconciliation.

The Day of Atonement - A New Beginning

The Day of Atonement represents the time when Satan will be banished. But there is much more to it than that. This special Holy Day represents the removal of unrighteousness and the time when we will be reconciled to God!

Day of Atonement

Mr. John White gives a sermon about reconciliation of the Day of Atonement


We have a responsibility as Christians to be willing to forgive one another.

A Lesson in Forgiveness

1. All are debtors to God, 2. None of us can pay our own debts, 3. Christ payed our debts, 4. Since our debts are forgiven, we are expected to forgive others, 5. The unforgiving will never come to their…


Accusation, reconciliation, justice, mercy and faith.

Do You Really Want Me to Forgive that Person?

Anger, bitterness and resentment because of hurts and pain; do we allow those things to override forgiveness and reconciliation in our Christian lives?

Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Entire Land

On the Day of Atonement, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, GA, discusses the proclamation that occurred on this day announcing the year of the Jubilee and the freedom, physically and spiritually, that will occur on this…


What is a Christian's responsibility concerning reconciliation? God's plan is that mankind becomes reconciled to him and that men be reconciled with each other. How can that be accomplished?

Be Reconciled with One Another

The Bible is full of reconciliation: ultimately, the Scriptures are about God's reconciling with man to be in His family. What are we going to be doing in the Kingdom of God other than helping humans reconcile? We should not…