
The Journey from the Red Sea to Mount Sinai

In a form of baptism and a final break from Egypt which signified sin and death, Israel crossed the Red Sea on the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. They witnessed the great work that the Lord did…

The Red Sea and Going Forward

The story of the Red Sea in Exodus contains many lessons for each one of us and how we live our lives. God's Might is shown for an example that all may trust in Him. We must also remember to…

Lessons From The Exodus

Ancient Israel's Exodus from Egypt is one of the most iconic and dramatic stories in the Bible. Through Moses, God delivered his people from over 400 years of bondage and slavery. The story of the Exodus also serves as a…

Events From the Days of Unleavened Bread

A few weeks ago (April 6, 2019) we looked at the events that occurred in ancient Israel leading up to the first Passover in about 1446BC. We reviewed the original events and gleaned from them some lessons for us today…

Journey to Pentecost

The 50 days between the Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost can be the most trying time for God's people. There are amazing parallels between the journey from Egypt to Sinai, Jesus' resurrection to Pentecost, and the modern Christian's journey.

Remembering the Critical Need for Baptism

Listen to this sermon to learn why God requires us to be baptized, and about its meaning and parallels with ancient Israel's exodus from Egypt and crossing the Red Sea (please see attached ".pdf" document that is referred to during…

The Red Sea Crossing

Our Red Sea crossing began with our individual baptisms into the Body of Jesus Christ. Do we have faith strong enough to trust in God as we journey toward the Kingdom through many trials?

Facing Your Red Sea Moment

Facing Your Red Sea Moment. What is your moment? Is it now?

Deliverance From Sin

The biblical Feast of Unleavened Bread is a 7 day long festival. The 7 day duration is a use of symbolism in the bible. The number 7 in the bible is meant to symbolize completeness. After we accept the blood…

Our Personal Red Sea Crossing

Compare the reality of the Israelite Red Sea crossing from archaeological evidence to our own personal Red Sea, as we journey toward the Kingdom of God.