
God's Intervention For the 1st Century Christians At Jerusalem

There are many people who are refugees in our age, and so it has been throughout human history. Christians in God's church have also had to flee their homes and lands. In this sermonette, Jon Davies discusses the prophesied situation…
The European Union flag - A circle of twelve five-pointed yellow stars in a blue field. One of the stars has fallen off of the circle.

Europe’s Uncertain Future

Concerns over NATO’s future, the Muslim refugee crisis and the impending Brexit are clouds on Europe’s horizon. What lies ahead for Europe?

You Were a Stranger

Beattie looks at the many Biblical admonitions pertaining to how we are to treat the stranger, the sojourner. Both the Old Testament and New Testament give strong warnings if we abuse the stranger or sojourner. The Christian is to obey…

Spiritual Refugees in This World

How my personal experience as a refugees coming to the U.S. has taught me lesson about what it means to be a person without a country. Our hope is in a new and better country provided by God.
Photo of the author's mother at age 16.

Three Things All Refugees Must Understand

Our hearts break for those displaced by war, terrorism and poverty in the Middle East. As a former refugee myself, here are three lessons I learned that every refugee must understand—and the spiritual application for each and every one of...
Refugees traveling to Germany.

Current Events & Trends

In September 2015 more than 200,000 mostly Muslim refugees entered Germany—some fleeing from war-torn areas in their homelands, but many simply seeking a better economic future.

Immigration Lessons from Lebanon

Once considered the banking capital of the Arab world, Lebanon was widely known as the "Switzerland of the Middle East." It attracted tourists in large numbers. The city of Beirut was often referred to as the "Paris of the Middle...

Children of War

Working with children whose lives have been devastated by war today provides some clues about how we can prepare to help people heal when peace finally does come.
Silhouette of nine persons standing on the hill.

This is the Way, Walk in It

Proclaim liberty to the captives.