Group of three girl friends sitting together, smiling and enjoying each other's company.

Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).

A Renewed Perspective on Rejoicing

Rejoicing can feel strange in such troubled times, yet it’s commanded during the Feast of Tabernacles. Reviewing the perspective given in Ecclesiastes—whose author experienced maximum physical pleasure yet found it akin to grasping vapor—and that of King David adds a…

Putting Christ in Our Hearts During the Feast of Tabernacles

Many Christians today are unable to see today is how Jesus Christ is at the center of each of the Holy Days. These days teach us a great deal about the role that Christ has already played, continues to play…


This sermon explores the topic of the lost being found and all the rejoicing that goes with it. How does God rejoice and how should we rejoice?

I Say Rejoice

There is so much to rejoice about. Even though our world seems to be full of doom and gloom. A missing quality in our world is that of rejoicing. Rejoicing isn't about what is happening to us, it's about how…

A Time To Rejoice

As we look at the world around us, there's a tremendous amount of sadness, worry and hopelessness. Yet, we've been given insight of what God will bring about in the future. Are we willing to obey the command to rejoice…

We Who Are Alive and Remain

The promises of salvation and eternal life were so real to the faithful people of old that they were able to have an unwavering hope, knowing that He who promised is faithful, and that the day would come when they…


God wants His people to be a rejoicing people, thankful to be called and knowing the truth. He wants us to rejoice for having been given a chance to help in His work with our tithes, offerings and service to…

A Time to Rejoice

As we prepare to observe the Feast of Tabernacles, will we remember the command to rejoice? Allow God to fill you with His joy, not only during His Festivals, but all throughout the year.

Rejoice Today and Always

We should rejoice every day of our lives for the hope we have in our amazing future. "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!" Rejoicing isn't about what happens to us, but how we respond to things…