
Principles of Submission

The Bible commands each one of us to practice submission. This sermon provides valuable principles to help you in your dual role as someone in submission and someone in authority.
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Space Junk: The Company You Keep

Bad company can lead us astray if we don't stay vigilant about what we let in our life.
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COVID Relationships

We need to take extra care to communicate with our friends and loved ones as we continue through this pandemic.

Extraordinary Matrimony

Does your life have a holy purpose? This sermon focuses on the life and lessons of a New Testament couple that sets the tone for a godly marriage.
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Better to Dwell...

A proverb contains important insight from God regarding marriages and other relationships.

Meaningful Relationships

The benefits to having a meaningful relationship with God, family, and friends.

Sin and Me

Although we are mindful of our relationship with God's commandments throughout the year, we invest additional self-reflection during this time of year. We will review the scriptures as to the concept of sin and its interference in our Christian Walk.

From Friendship to Relationship

On the Sabbath in Kennesaw, Georgia, before a large crowd gathered for the 2020 Southeast Regional Prom (that evening), Jay Ledbetter, pastor of the Knoxville and Kingsport, TN and London, KY, spoke about the need to develop deep interpersonal relationships…

How to Deal With Difficult People

We all have to deal with difficult people from time to time. Chances are, you will not be able to change them. We must control our own reaction and response to them. How can we do that? The answer is…

Marriage and Baptism

Baptism and marriage are both covenants, or commitments, with God. What are the parallels between these two covenants and how do they apply to us?