
Post Feast Analysis

This sermon discusses 3 lessons we need to remember after completing this past Unleavened Bread feast which are: Our commitment to Christ, Removing leavening or sin from our life, and Our zeal through the rest of the year.

Why Remember

Throughout the weeks leading up to Passover and these days of Unleavened bread we’ve heard many messages on the details of leaven and freedom from the bondage of sin. But today I want to focus on why does God instruct…

Remember What The Lord Has Done

We can remember what God has done for me and us and allowing us to be here and to praise Him forever. All because of what the Lord has done for us as we came out from Egypt.

A Sermon to Remember

Join us for this uplifting message on some of the things God remembers and wants us to remember, and also some of the things God chooses to forget.


It is critical for a Christian to look back and remember our past,and compare it to our present

Remember Your First Love

Was the warning given to the Ephesus church in Revelation chapter 2 for their admonishment only or is applicable to the churches of God today?

Remembering the Past

Leaving the Days of Unleavened Bread we now begin to focus on the Day of Pentecost, 50 days from now. One key to our observance is found in Deuteronomy 16 where we are told to remember, we were slaves in…

Remember and Love

Remembering our calling is something we need to keep in the forefront of our minds. It is a great treasure. But we also must do something else. We must learn to love God's law and make it a core part…

Are We Stirred Up?

God used the symbolism of fire when pouring out the Holy Spirit., and often uses fire, flame and lampstands in the bible. He provided the fire for us, it's our job to maintain the fire and bring it back to…

Remember and Love

Remembering our calling is something we need to keep in the forefront of our minds. It is a great treasure. But we also must do something else. We must learn to love God's law and make it a core part…