

Memories are an important part of being human. Our memories shape the way we see the world. What does the Bible teach about memories?

God’s Command to Remember

The most-mentioned event in the Bible is the Exodus from Egypt. Integral to our faith is the command from God to remember what He has done for his people and for us.


God says to remember our history, or we will forget His law and forget Him.

I will never forget you.

God tell us in Isaiah 49:15 that he will never, ever forget any child he has created, formed and given his life’s breath. The 8th day reminds of of that promise.

We Are Here, Remember Us

Does God forget His people? No, but sometimes the Bible says He remembers them. What does it mean to be remembered by God? Do we pray for Him to remember us?

Beware That You do not Forget

Join us for this very interesting message about not forgetting. Do we remember what God has done for us , and are we grateful? Do we try to please Him? Do we have a lack of humility?

Where Were You?

Speaker: Tim Pebworth 9/14/19 Where were you on 9/11? If we are over 20 years old, we know exactly. And, as in this past week we remember 9/11, we also now look forward to the annual reminder of the Fall…

Remember and Forget

While we are in the transition time between Pentecost and the fall holy days there are a few principles to follow. We must choose to remember to forget, but not forget to remember. The key is to remember to do…

Memory Tools

God provides us memory devices for His word and way which help us not to forget or misapply His will for us and our purpose.

Lesson of Unleavened Bread - Do Not Forget Your God, Psalm 106

Israel was rescued by God, and forgot. We were rescued by God and reminded not to forget God or our rescue.